Thursday, July 4, 2019

It's a July 4th Giveaway

Here are the details of my 4th of July Giveaway.

Giving away 1 steam code every hour I will be streaming.

10am   Wurm Unlimited

11am   Fight'N Rage

Noon   Borderlands Game of the Year Edition

4pm   Absolver

5pm   The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut

6pm   Zombie Army Trilogy

Hope to see you online.

#giveaway #minionmasters #bloodborne

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

4th of July Giveaway

Having a big giveaway on my stream's on July 4th. Will be giving away a different game each hour.

Just watching gets you one ticket, get more tickets with 'echoes', these are awarded for time watched, following, etc.

Will be posting the games being given away soon.

Hope to see you online.